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Friday, February 06, 2009

Vancouver Film School


I am a film student with the Vancouver Film School. I am doing a short documentary on Tasers. I was doing some research and came across your blog. It has been a great resource! Thanks for that.

And pardon me as I pitch this but, if there is anyone in the Vancouver area who has been Tasered and lives to tell about it or knows someone personally that got Tasered but unfortunately did not survive, and would like to participate in my documentary, please contact me at fp126alexl@vfs.com

My documentary is trying to put a more personal spin on Taser misuse. Though the story of someone who has been Tasered and passed on, I hope to get across the message that a moratorium is necessary while proper testing and regulation gets put in place for Taser use.


1 comment:

Excited-Delirium.com said...

I hope the film student also reviews my blog at www.Excited-Delirium.com (don't forget the dash).

Several times on my blog I've wished-out-loud that someone like Michael Moore would make a movie about tasers and Taser International. There's quite a bit of very interesting material about Taser's actions over the years.