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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Taser International offers Winnipeg police help

July 23, 2008
Winnipeg Sun

Says ready to assist in investigation

TASER International says it is prepared to help Winnipeg police with their investigation if asked and is standing by its products. The Scottsdale, Ariz.,-based company made the comments today in a statement released to the Winnipeg Sun but would not comment about yesterday's Taser-related death in Winnipeg.

Sources said the male was pronounced dead in hospital after he was Tasered for refusing to a drop a knife during a confrontation with city police officers in an alley in the 800 block of William Avenue.

"Until all the facts surrounding this tragic incident are known, it is inappropriate to jump to conclusions on the cause of death," TASER International stated in its release.

"Athough no use of force device is risk free, including TASER technology, medical experts and recent independent comprehensive reports from the governments of Canada, United Kingdom and the U.S. have concluded that TASER systems are among the safer use-of-force alternatives to subdue violent individuals who pose a safety risk to an officer, suspect or innocent citizens," the company stated.

TASER International has sold more than 345,000 of its devices to 12,700 law enforcement and U.S. military agencies in more than 44 countries. More than 4,500 agencies are at full deployment, meaning every single patrol officer is carrying a Taser.

TASER International says there have been more than 1 million uses of its products, including an estimated 547,000 actual suspects and an estimated 681,000 volunteers in either training or medical and safety studies.

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