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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One young life = one five-day vacation

Darryl Turner - a BOY - UNARMED - only 17 years old forchristssake - TASERED FOR FORTY-TWO (42!!) SECONDS for the CRIME of walking toward a 15 year veteran of the Charlotte, North Carolina police force - drops dead BECAUSE OF THE TASER - officer found to be justified in using the taser - just should-a, would-a, could-a SHORTENED the zapfest a wee bit and maybe needs more training - officer gets a five-day vacation. Darryl Turner remains dead for all time.

July 16, 2008


CMPD Officer Suspended After Probe Into taser Use That Killed Teen

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- The Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer that used a Taser on a north Charlotte teenager, leading to his death, has been suspended for five days.

Darryl Turner, 16, died in March after Officer Jerry Dawson used the Taser on him in the Food Lion grocery store on Prosperity Church Road. Turner’s autopsy report said the stress of the situation and the Taser caused his heart to stop.

The store manager had called police when Turner became disruptive. Surveillance tape shows Turner knocking over displays and yelling at the manager. Dawson fired the Taser when Turner turned away from the manager and began walking toward him. Dawson reported he told the teen to stop but he did not comply.

In a hearing Tuesday, the police department’s review board found Dawson was justified in his use of the Taser, but his prolonged use of the weapon was not.

Authorities said the officer held the trigger of the Taser continuously for about 37 seconds, during which Turner continued to walk, and grabbed a small rack and threw it across the floor before falling to the floor. Dawson shocked Turner a second time, for about five seconds, when he did not comply with commands to put his hands behind his back.

The district attorney decided earlier this month not to file any criminal charges against Dawson.

The department is now reviewing its policy concerning the use of Tasers. Dawson will also receive additional Taser training.

Dawson, 39, has been on the force for 15 years and is assigned to the University City Division.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only training Mr. Dawson deserves is to be on the receiving end of this brutal device for 42 seconds or more. I take note that he has 15 years of service in the police force. He would certainly be OVER qualified to tote a taser here in Canada with the latest recommendation of allowing only members of the force with over 5 years experience to be armed with a taser. I also read that young Turner was found with drugs in his sock....If citizens get outraged about your conduct down there Mr. Dawson, head up this way. We have an abundance of teenagers with drugs in their socks who could use a 42 second touch of your brand of justice. By the way, I wonder how many seconds Mr. Dawson would have held the taser trigger had Darryl Turner been a threat?

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