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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Police silent on charges in airport taser death investigation

June 17, 2008
CBC News

Homicide investigators in Metro Vancouver are not confirming reports that they have recommended no charges be laid against any police officers in the death of a Polish immigrant in a Taser incident at Vancouver International Airport last year.

Robert Dziekanski, 40, died shortly after RCMP officers shocked him at least twice with the stun guns in the arrivals lounge of the airport late at night last Oct. 14.

Some media outlets have reported that homicide investigators have completed their examination, and have recommended to the B.C. Crown prosecutors' office that no charges be laid.

But when the CBC contacted Cpl. Dale Carr of the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team on Monday morning, he was unable to confirm the reports.

Crown spokesman Stan Lowe said prosecutors have had the report for about a month, but he could not say if the report recommends charges against the RCMP officers involved in the incident.

The investigation is one of several into the high-profile death, including a coroner's inquest and the Braidwood Inquiry into Taser use.

In B.C., police are able to recommend to Crown prosecutors whether they believe charges should be laid in an investigation, but it is up to the Crown prosecutor's office to make a final decision on whether should charges be laid.

The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team is a regional police agency made up of members from the RCMP and various municipal police forces.

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