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Thursday, May 08, 2008

VPD to investigate taser use by Translink

May 8, 2008

The Vancouver Police Department has been ordered by the office of the police complaint commissioner to investigate the use of tasers by TransLink police. “They’re looking at 10 different incidents,” deputy police complaint commissioner Bruce Brown told the Straight regarding the instructions received by the VPD.

The department, whose officers are also armed with the high-voltage stun guns, has until October to wrap up the probe, which was triggered by a complaint filed last month by the B.C. Civil Liberties Association.

Brown said that one of the incidents under investigation involves the deployment of a taser by transit police to subdue a man who got into a fight with VPD officers. Transit-police officers happened to be passing by the scene when they intervened.

The incident occurred in the Downtown Eastside, outside a cultural event attended by Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean during her visit to Vancouver in January.

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