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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blame shifts to RCMP

May 27, 2008
Canwest News Service

A man who gave a Nazi salute to an RCMP officer, which led to a confrontation in which he was struck a Taser and pepper sprayed, had charges against him stayed Monday.

Instead, Judge Allan Gould of B.C. provincial court ruled that the Mountie should shoulder the blame for the ensuing melee. Shane Owen, 48, had been charged with assaulting a police officer and uttering threats.

The case began on Nov. 25, 2005 when Owen was walking down a street. The officer, who told the court Owen had committed no offence, thought something didn't look right so decided to question him.

Owen told the officer to leave him alone, gave a Nazi salute and swore at him.

Gould said that a more experienced officer would have "spoken in kind" to Owen and gone on his way.

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