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Friday, September 21, 2007

Who's PAYING these "people?" aka "Listen to the police or just don't be so stupid"

Here are but a few of the comments I've received here today (of the hundreds of visitors) - mere replicas of those I see on every website that DARES to equate tasers with unjustified force. "Real" people can't possibly be writing this stuff. I'm left wondering who's paying these "Master Commenters."

All of these comments relate to Heidi Gill's horrific experience at the hands of an out-of-control police officer:

Yeah riiigggghhhhhtttttt. Good thing to say right before filing your law suit. If anyone looks crazy in this video, it's you lady, and the word lady is used advisedly.

This is a ridiculous debate! do what the police SAY to do and then there won't be a problem. people who obey the law have no worries here. this officer was justified in his actions- hands down.

Maybe if people would actually listen to the police or just not be so stupid as to become so intoxicated that they cannot control their own behavior, police would not have to use tasers or any force. The blame all centers back on her, not the police.

She got what she deserved and should have gotten more.

Put on a uniform and go to a few bar fights, maybe then you'll get it.

Oh, I "get it" alright but thanks for asking.

One voice of reason had the audacity to ask: "Why is it okay to use a Taser on a human being? Who is making money on this? Where does the trail of money lead to? I just do not understand."

To which, I say, please come back again - I'll help you understand.


Anonymous said...

After viewing countless videos of citizens being tasered into senselessness, I have come to the conclusion that these policemen , trained in taser technology, seem to be trying to impress their fellow cops when they arrive on the scene with their tasers. Other than being out and out brutal, what else could be the reason for their obvious rage against citizens who may - or may not - be commiting misdemeanors? After all, the taser was ini tcially introduced as a "less than lethal" alternative. When you actually witness police officers kicking and repeatedly tasering people into a state of unconsciousness, the question remains, why are these policemen so provoked? M any of the documented 291 people who died after being tasered have been found to be in the throes of " excited delirium " according to pathologists who have received the manufacturer's brochure that explains how to blame death on "excited delirium.". The victim dies, not because of the 50,000 volts of the taser, but because of Excited Delirium (although no such thing can be found in any credible medical reference). It is rather a phrase coined by police when they fuck up and kill someone. In my view, I believe that the policeman is the one suffering from excited delirium, not the victim. And we are seeing this phenomen on more and more. The taser should be the perfect answer to assist the police in their tough line of duty...however, in brutal hands...the police have become "jury and electrocutioner".

Anonymous said...

I think what they're calling "excited delirium" is actually the frantic state of a person when he/she is being tortured with no means of escape. And for what? Being drunk? Being loud? Being obnoxious? I think these taser-weilding cops are sadists, pure and simple, and so are their apologists.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou very much "anonymous" ...well said...it is good to know that there are still plenty of people out there with compassion and dignity...who also understand what is going on...Soon, hopefully, the rest of the world will get it!!