
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Judge finds jury misconduct in case on Taser-related death

January 14, 2010
Associated Press/Courier Journal

A federal judge has ruled there was jury misconduct in a civil case brought against Louisville [Kentucky] police by the estate of a man who died after being shocked with a Taser.

U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II ruled Thursday that jurors researching information about Tasers on the Internet could have affected the panel's inability to reach a verdict on whether Officer Michael Campbell should have any liability in the death of Larry Noles.

Heyburn upheld the verdict clearing Officer Matthew Metzler of liability in the death, saying he did not fire his Taser at Noles during the 2006 arrest.

Noles' estate sued police after his death, claiming officers deprived Noles of his civil rights by using excessive force to take him into custody.

Heyburn set Campbell's retrial for February.

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