
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

3 Calgary police officers charged after altercations with drivers

January 13, 2010
CBC News

Three Calgary police officers are facing assault charges following altercations during traffic stops, with one incident involving a driver getting stunned by a Taser.

The Edmonton Crown lawyer's office recommended laying the charges after reviewing the two unrelated incidents, Calgary police announced Wednesday.

The first happened on Dec. 14, 2008, at 2:15 a.m. when two officers in a marked police car stopped a driver in southeast Calgary.

"During the traffic stop, the officers had a physical altercation with the driver, which led to the driver lodging a formal complaint," police wrote in a release.

Two officers, each with four years of experience with the Calgary Police Service, have been charged with assault.

Officer stunned driver

The second incident happened on April 17, 2009. An officer in an unmarked police vehicle pulled over a driver in northeast Calgary at about 2:15 p.m.

The officer and the driver had a "physical altercation" and the officer used a stun gun on the driver, police said. The driver later lodged a formal complaint.

An officer with six years of experience on the force has been charged with assault with a weapon and assault causing bodily harm, police said.

Police wouldn't release any other details and didn't name the officers charged, but did say all three have been put on administrative duties until the criminal proceedings conclude.

"Both cases involved on-duty incidents, and the allegations were laid as a result of the members' execution of their duties. Therefore, the identity of these members will not be released at this time," police said in the release.

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