
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Detective takes the stand at Wasylyshen's disciplinary hearing

November 9, 2010

An Edmonton police detective took the stand Tuesday at Constable Mike Wasylyshen's disciplinary hearing. The veteran officer is accused of repeatedly Tasering a teenager back in 2002.

Detective Alfred Normand described what he remembers happening on the night in question, back in October of 2002. He was working with Wasylyshen that evening and says they were called to the Beverly area on a report of a auto theft.

He described the call as routine. And after eight years, he says he remembers one thing about that night.

"Trying to help each other. We're partners and I couldn't get there to assist my partner at that time. There's a feeling inside that I need to be there and I couldn't.

It was just a day ago that Wasylyshen took the stand to recount the chain of events that led up to the multiple Tasering of a then 16-year-old boy.

A now 25-year-old Randy Fryingpan says he was the victim of excessive force and abuse at the hands of Wasylyshen.

Wasylyshen told the hearing he was called to the Abbotsfield Road area at around 3 a.m. He was responding to reports of a possible car theft in progress.

He told the hearing that when he encountered Fryingpan at the scene, the teenager was belligerent and violent.

"He's coming out but he's coming out angry," testified Wasylyshen. "I know the difference between the cooperative face and the I wanna fight face... I thought he's going to assault me."

Wasylyshen said he feared for his safety and was justified in his use of force.

An agreed statement of facts showed a Taser was deployed eight times in 68 seconds. Wasylyshen said Fryingpan was hit six times by the Taser.

Fryingpan allegedly suffered a head injury, a broken tooth and burns from the Taser. Earlier in the hearing, he testified he felt humiliated and said he couldn't remember much because he was intoxicated.

"Next thing I remembered is being handcuffed and spitting out my tooth and it was bloody," Fryingpan told the hearing.

In his conclusion, the presenting officer Derek Cranna suggested Wasylyshen used the Taser on Fryingpan to wake him up.

"I don't like your suggestion. It's wrong," said Wasylyshen, denying that's what happened.

Wasylyshen appeared heated and frustrated several times on the stand. At one point, he was told to show some decorum.

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