
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

EDITORIAL: Braidwood discerned truth amid lies and misdirection

June 22, 2010
The Province

As a close follower of the Dziekanski tragedy, I was relieved with Thomas Braidwood's final report, even if his investigation can't lay criminal charges against these four "shameful" men.

Almost three years later, the truth is finally emerging out of the veil of lies and misdirection. I can't stop wondering how the outcome could have been different had one of the officers extended a handshake instead of a Taser when they approached Robert Dziekanski that fateful day.

These four officers did not do a risk assessment when they arrived, which can only mean they already knew how they wanted to handle the situation.

Dziekanski did not wield a weapon and did not bring this upon himself. These were four armed officers in bulletproof vests dealing with a confused immigrant who spoke no English and had never been in an airport. Surely these officers didn't think anyone was in immediate danger.

For those who say the event has been sensationalized, what does Braidwood gain by wasting three years of his life on a 470-page report that does anything but expose the truth?

I know I was embarrassed to be a Canadian that day. I just want to hear for once the words from the RCMP: "we made a mistake, we really screwed up."

Job well done Mr. Braidwood. Because someone had to say it.

1 comment:

  1. As you probably know by now, my interest is more focused on one of the ultimate root causes - the deceptive marketing and possible criminal liability of Taser International.

    I note with some satisfaction that Braidwood utterly rejected the testimony of Dr. Ho, essentially a paid spokespuppet of Taser International. Braidwood also pinned the blame for the death of Mr. Dziekanski primarily on the taser.

    These truths are highly important.


If you wish to post a positive comment about TASER International please do so at If you have something relevant to add to the ongoing debate, let it be said here.