
Friday, January 22, 2010

Forum Against Police Violence and Impunity

*CALLOUT: Seeking Testimonials of Police Murders*

The Forum Against Police Violence and Impunity is a grassroots initiative focusing on the police violence and impunity that affects the lives of many communities in Montreal, including poor and racialized communities, sex-workers, those living on the street, youth and indigenous communities. Taking place in the working-class multi-racial neighborhood of Park Extension from January 29-31, 2010, it will provide a space to learn from each other and strategize collectively to build a future without police violence, as well as to remember those injustices which have been committed against our communities.

One of the themes we are focusing on is keeping alive the memories of those whose lives have been taken by the police, in a society which tries to silence and forget this reality. On this topic, we have a panel entitled: "Never again! Families speak out against police killings and impunity”, featuring the families of some of those who have been killed by the police and the injustices they have continued to face in their attempts to find answers, while seeking accountability & justice: See Forum contre la violence policière et l'impunité

Though we are only able to provide a limited platform on this panel for families to speak to the reality of police murders in the province of Quebec, with a focus on Montreal, we recognize that there are countless other cases of police killings across the country.

In the name of remembering those whose lives have been taken by the police, the Forum Against Police Violence and Impunity is doing a Canada-wide call-out for photos and written testimonials about victims of police murders, by those who knew them. These testimonials will be formatted and printed, and displayed on-location during the Forum.

We encourage you to send us your testimonials to us by email at as soon as possible (by January 25, 2010). Please write "testimonial" in the subject header, and attach a photo, if possible. If regular post is easier, you can also mail us at the following address:

Organizing Committee of The Forum Against Police Violence and Impunity
c/o QPIRG-McGill
3647 University
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2B3

In solidarity,

Organizing Committee of The Forum Against Police Violence and Impunity
tel: 514.398.3323
fax: 514.398.8976

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