
Thursday, October 09, 2008

Toronto cops sued over Taser use

October 9, 2008
Edmonton Sun

TORONTO -- A man who claims he was zapped with a Taser a dozen times by emergency task force officers is suing the Toronto police and the force's civilian board for $6 million.

Robert Algeo, 40, claims officers barged into his west-end apartment in July 2007 without a warrant after he got into a fight with a neighbour on the street.

He alleges in court documents that officers shot him twice with blasts of teargas, and also targeted him with pepper spray and Tasers.The incident left him needing doctors to insert four metal plates in his eye socket and mouth.

"Then buddy booted me in the jaw while I was being Tasered, kicked out three of my teeth, broke my jaw, broke my cheek, broke my eye socket and dumped me off at St. Joseph's (Hospital)," Algeo said. "They never charged me with anything and they didn't have a warrant."

The allegations in Algeo's suit have not been proven in court.

In a written statement of defence, police said a "member of the public" flagged down officers claiming he was assaulted by Algeo, who "had mental health issues" and who had pulled hydro wires from the side of a building.

The police said Algeo allegedly drove a knife through the wall where officers were standing.

The statement noted that pepper spray and tear gas had no effect on Algeo, so a Taser was used.

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