
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Letter to the Editor: Let taser research be done by those who are impartial

October 14, 2008
Owen Sound Sun Times


I read with interest The Sun Times front-page story on Sept. 25 "Police chief leads Taser research group". It stated the Canadian Association of Police Chiefs would be producing a paper on the use of these weapons, providing recommendations and guidelines for police across the country.

Given police chief Kaye's comments on the safety of these weapons, its not too hard to draw the conclusion that this "research paper" will show more than a little bias justifying their use.

Numerous media reports tell us about the increasing number of deaths occurring, with a connection to their use. Everyone has heard about the innocent immigrant who died after being Tasered at Vancouver Airport.

Chief Kaye justifies the use of these weapons by stating that his staff members were Tasered as part of their training. Did that happen after the staff member was brought to a state of "excited delirium" or after having had an intense struggle? One must always ensure that we compare "apples with apples" when trying to arrive at a fair and logical conclusion.

In my humble opinion, having this matter investigated by the police is about the same as "putting a fox in charge of the hen house"!

I believe we should all be concerned when so-called "research" is performed by those who have a personal bias toward the end result. I'd be more inclined to accept the research results if a group of ordinary citizens were doing the study, rather than those entrusted with the use of Tasers!

Glenn McNabb
Owen Sound


  1. Who will pay, Amnesty?? ACLU?? both keep asking for it, but get real quiet when people talk money

  2. Hello Taxpayer, do not relly on those mentioned Groups. thereis alot more hidden that we can see.... :(


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