
Thursday, September 18, 2008

The nice man at taser international wants to help

According to the Globe and Mail, in response to the death of Sean Reilly yesterday after he was tasered by Peel Regional Police, comes this:

"... we are prepared to help in the investigation of this unfortunate incident if asked," [Taser International] spokesman Steve Tuttle said in an e-mail.

Just how stupid do you think we are, Stevie? I'm sure you *would* like to be involved in the investigation of this "unfortunate incident". I'm sure you would, Stevie, except we're "onto" you (and yours) up here in the true north strong and (still) free!! I think the love affair is ending and we're getting ready to break up with you.

If you really want to help, Steve, then answer us this (Sean's family and friends deserve to know): How is a potentially lethal taser an appropriate response to one unarmed man in a jail cell, surrounded by FIVE trained police officers??? Oops - give us an answer to that one, why don't you?!

1 comment:

  1. Seems to me Sean was out of control and needed to be subdued. What other choice did they have?


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