
Monday, January 21, 2008

Lawyer questions BC's commitment to examine death of Polish immigrant

January 21, 2008
The Canadian Press

VANCOUVER - The lawyer for the Kamloops woman whose son died following a confrontation with police at Vancouver International Airport in October says the B.C. government is dragging its feet on a probe of the incident. Walter Kosteckyj says provincial officials have not provided any details of a public inquiry in Robert Dziekanski's death. He also says he has not heard if the province will pay for legal representation for Dziekanski's mother at the inquest, slated for May. Kosteckyj says the original announcement of the inquiry indicated all details would be provided in early January. Kosteckyj suggests now that the media spotlight is no longer shining on the subject, the province appears less willing to move forward. Dziekanski became agitated after arriving at Vancouver airport Oct. 14, 2007, and was hit by two bursts from an RCMP Taser before being pinned to the ground by several officers. He died soon after.

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